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Sunday 16 July 2017

Explain how legal requirements and codes of practice inform practice in handling information

All of the legislation and codes of practices carry almost the same messages - which is personal and sensitive information must be processed lawfully and stored securely, so that it does not get lost, damaged, unauthorised access, unauthorised alteration and accidental destruction.
Therefore, health and social care service provider must follow the legislation and codes of practices when handling personal data and sensitive information. Personal data must be collected in guideline with Data protection act and other legislations. It must be processed safely and stored securely. It is a best practice to keep personal data in locked file cabinet. If it is stored in computer then it must be kept password protected to avoid unauthorised access.

Personal data must not be disclosed without the person’s authorisation. Safety of the data must be ensured while exchanging with agreed others such as right person, right email address and right fax number etc. The Data Protection Act gives individuals the right to access information held about them except in certain situations where public safety, security and health are at risk.