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Friday 17 November 2017

Explain how risk assessment can help address dilemmas between an individual’s rights and health and safety concerns

Understand risk assessments and their importance in relation to health and safety
Dilemmas usually arise from conserving individual’s rights while maintaining their health and safety. It is a very common dilemma in health and social care settings that an individual’s choices sometimes do not comply with health and safety rules. Hence, we need to undertake risk assessment so that we can implement control measure which can preserve both. An individual’s main rights are to be free from harm, danger and abuse which can only be achieved by maintaining health and safety of the individual. Risk assessment helps to identify and assess health and safety risks of an individual, and apply control measure to eliminate risks, in order to keep individual from harm and danger. Therefore, risk assessment helps us to protect individual’s rights and maintain their health and safety at the same time.