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Monday 4 December 2017

Describe how to dispose of out of date and part used medications in accordance with legal and organisational requirements

Legal and organisational procedures for disposing out of date and part used medication are to follow disposal procedures of suppliers. We usually dispose out of date, unwanted and part used medication with main medication supplier (such as Boots, Lloyds and other chemist). The following way we can dispose out of date and part used medications –

·         Fill out the MAR (medication administration record) chart with appropriate letter code (such as E- Refused and Destroyed, R- Returned, G- Explain own reason, whichever supplier has provided)

·         If medication is boxed and labelled, then leave it in disposal tray or box as it is.

·         If the medication we intend to dispose is from supplier’s blister pack or MDS box, then we should put it in a small sealed envelope with the medication name and strength on it.

·         Keep record of date and quantity are returned

·         Record name of the patient and reason for disposal