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Thursday, 14 September 2017

Describe how to manage risks associated with conflicts or dilemmas between an individual’s right and the duty of care

It is a crucial part of this job role, to face dilemma regarding the balance between duty of care and an individual’s right. An individual’s choice and independence may clash with the choice and independence of others. An individual’s choice may pose risks or potential risks to themselves and others. In these situations, you may have a great deal of dilemmas to overcome. Using your best judgement, you must have to act upon individual’s best interests. You may not be in a position to take best interests decision, but you may involve sharing your concerns and dilemmas with manager or other professionals who will be taking individual’s best interest’s decision. If you do not share your concerns with responsible professionals, then individual may suffer significant harm, or put them at risk for the lack of sufficient vital information while they are making individual’s best interest’s decision.
Example: Mr X, who is suffering from dementia and very disoriented, living in a residential care home. He very often tries to escape the building to go out himself as part of his rights of free movement. By knowing that he is not capable to do so safely because of his current diagnosis, I would have to propose alternative which is least restrictive and safe for him to enjoy outdoors.